Now Flash flip page eBook are becoming more and more popular among White collars.
Import Your PDF to FlipBook Creator:
When you finished installation of FlipBook Creator on your PC, you can begin your journey in FlipBook Creator, different ways for you to show your flipbooks from this software.
Open the FlipBook Creator software, and then you should pick create new to start the conversion from PDF to flip page books.
In the importation, various options are for you! You can customize the importing pages number of the PDF file, choose the render engine according to the usage of the flip page ebook you will conert, import a watermark to protect your authority of the flipbook with ease that text, flash, image are all supported types of the watermark.
In the advanced settings, you can even import bookmark and links in your original PDF files. If your PDF is text based, you can also allow the search engine, for better viewing later for readers. If your PDF has wide pages, in order to get a more stunning flipping book you can allow the detecting wide pages option.

Individualize FlipBook Options:
1. You can choose any template and theme to the flipbook;
2. Set toolbar appearance with different buttons, so you will define the function of your flipbook at the same time;
3. Setting the flash Display settings means you can more flexible change the appearance of the Flash flipbook with different colors of toolbar, background, sound of background and Image of background, etc;
4. The Flash control setting is mainly for you to choose a link color and insert your Google Analysis account to trace the flipping book that you are converting;
5. For the switch language button in the Flipbook, you can design the supported toolbar button language with a departed language setting under Design settings panel;
6. If you want more effects of flash, you can choose the default scences in the FlipBook Creator;
7. Furthermore, you can add a bookmark with every single bookmark added in the bookmark panel to better lead your readers.

Output the Page Flip eBook:
Four main types of outputting the page Flip eBook:
HTML-for you convenient upload the flip ebook online;
ZIP-for flexible save and for email share;
EXE-for PC simple viewing
App-for Mac users better experience the flipbook;
Moreover, when you are converting the flipbook with HTML and ZIP, you can also get mobile version flipbook for any Android devices and iPhone or iPad;
If you have needs of flipbook on disk, you can also burn the flipbook to CD.
As you have seen in the Image, you can set options of the flipbook for better management on PC.

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