To set up the local time server by configuring the NTP 
NTP is used to make the system and an accurate time source to maintain time synchronization protocol. In Linux, we can use the built-in NTP (Network Time Protocol) protocol through the network to make their own system of keeping accurate time.


# Yum install NTP

From the installation disc or search for NTP RPM package is installed

When you have only a link of network server, add

# crontab -e

Add a line:

*/15 * * * * ntpdate China National Center for a time server address, so that the machine can be synchronized with the national time service center.

To set up local time server, only need to modify the /etc/ntp.conf file in a simple configuration can be, the following is my add configuration:

#add by Fengshihua

Server prefer ( China National time service center server address prefer priority attention to the default server to change into it)

Server ( IP )

Restrict mask nomodify ( allow intranet communication )

Restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery notrust ( shielded other IP update time )

The default does not keep other.

In order to make the NTP service can be started automatically at system boot time, execution:

# chkconfig ntpd on

Startup / shutdown / restart the NTP command is:

# /etc/init.d/ntpd start

# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop

# /etc/init.d/ntpd restart

The synchronization time wrote CMOS.

VI /etc/sysconfig/ntpd


Need to restart the service to remember each configuration validation modify the configuration file. You can use the following command to check the NTP service is started, you should be able to get a process ID:

# pgrep ntpd

Command to check the time server synchronization state using the following:

# ntpq -p

With ntpstat you can also see some synchronization status, view port using netstat -ntlup usage!

Installed the client need 5-10 minutes to update time from the server!

Client settings:

# crontab -e

Add a line:

*/15 * * * * ntpdate server IP.

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